26 Sep


  • ANTICONVULSANT: Suppresses Seizure Activity
  • ANXIETY: Helps to relieve Anxiety
  • ANTIEMETIC: Reduces Nausea and Vomiting
  • REDUCE ACNE: Helps to Fight and Prevent Acne
  • CARDIOVASCULAR: Promotes Cardiovascular Health
  • ANTIOXIDANT: Combats Neurodegenerative Disorders
  • DIABETES: Lowers the risk of diabetes
  • CANCER: Helps to Fight Cancer
  • PAIN RELIEF & ANTI INFLAMMATORY: Manages Nerve and muscle pain and Combats Inflammation
  • PET FRIENDLY: Tasty treats that provide relief from many ailments



Everyday in the news we hear stories of how Cannabis / CBD Oil has either helped to relieve or completely cured patients of there   symptoms or illnesses. In recent years and with the Laws in many countries being relaxed the quality knowledge and availability of Cannabidiol products is vast,  but where do you start?


CBD Oil on its own is NOT a cure contrary to common belief , Full Spectrum Cannabidiol CBD is packed full of some 113 identified cannabidiols plus essential acids and vitamins it is these compounds that encourage and stimulate our own immune system to fight whatever illness or ailment we are treating.

 All cannabinoids, including CBD, produce effects in the body by attaching to certain receptors. The human body produces certain cannabinoids on its own. It also has two receptors for cannabinoids, called the CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are present throughout the body, but many are in the brain it is these receptors that are stimulated / activated when we consume Cannabidiol


We all know the Human Body is amazing and if we listen to it and stimulate it correctly we can make huge gains in our own health and well being, this is also a reason why maybe CBD Products such as edibles and Oils may not have worked for you previously.

One or 2 drops under the tongue once or twice a day is a good starting point DO NOT be tempted to take larger doses from the word go,  this can trigger our own body's immune system to build up an instant high tolerance thus making the product become ineffective or to require an even higher dose. The key is to start slowly for a few weeks and monitor yourself to see if you are getting the required benefit, don't expect an instant miracle you need to give the body time to allow the CBD to build slowly and for the body to adjust and for you to start feeling the benefits. You can increase or decrease the strength to suit and also the strength of the products you buy to find what works best for you.


When used correctly and alongside a healthy balanced diet CBD really can make a huge difference to the quality of life for so many people. If you have any concerns, worries or questions about Cannabidiol CBD, please CONTACT US in the strictest confidence and we will do our very best to help and advise you for free at any time. We truly do believe in the power of CBD and its benefits and if we can help even one person on their journey by sharing our knowledge and the knowledge of others then that truly is fantastic. 


As with alot of products sold online there are plenty of unscrupulous people and businesses that sell below standard products and promise a world of benefits from taking them,our Website IS NOT one of them and we will only ever recommend the very best  researched, reviewed and verified full spectrum legally available products in the uk today.

Beneficial Herbs,

Natures medicine


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